Wednesday, May 1, 2024

It's Been Three Years

Life happens and we roll along--sometimes smelling the roses, other times just getting by. Today as I'm writing this, I'm reflecting on all that has occurred in the past three years. The list is long. At this time in my life, I have two kids in college, but amazingly, we are financially sound. 

Following the pandemic, I realized, as I think many of us did, how much we do have even when we are stripped of so much. Jeff and I were talking the other day about how we slowed down during that time and took walks nearly every day. I find that I connect so much more to myself when I am outdoors. I have continued with riding lessons, though I've yet to jump (hoping before I turn 60!) My connection to the horses has deepened. They recognize me immediately now, and our energies seem to jive. Apples and banana offerings don't hurt either. 

Jeff and I are learning what it will be like to be empty nesters. We are not completely there, but have had months without one boy or another with us. I think we will do OK. It helps that we like each other a great deal! 

Self healing has been the theme these past three years. During this time my dad died, my mom had emergency surgery, I had a full knee replacement, and Jeff's dad died. So much has happened and my heart has been on auto pilot. I've begun doing energy work on my chakras and sitting in meditation much more these past three years. The heart chakra is a tricky one. There is a sense of vulnerability when releasing pent-up trauma. Somehow the heart gets stuck. I'm learning that when sadness comes full-force, that my heart is ready to release. I'm feeling better. 

My wishes are we can heal as individuals, as a nation and as a world. Things are changing--there's no doubt. What a gift it is to notice these changes and to play a part in moving our world toward enlightenment.