Monday, January 9, 2012

Choosing the Right Yoga for the Right Time

I struggle with how much or how well I do yoga at any given time. This past weekend I was sick and couldn't muster the strength I needed to do yoga. At times like these I feel guilty for at least not trying. If my friend were sick, I'd tell her to take it easy and be good to herself--I would tell her to rest because that's what her body needs. Why, then, is it so hard to heed my own advice? I could either interpret that to mean that I am stronger and need to be better than the other or I'm just uncaring when it comes to my own body and health.

Neither of those choices ring true for me, so why DO I make myself feel guilty. Is it my upbringing? I needed to be responsible always so that transends into my yoga practice? hmmm...can't figure that one out.

I did, however, listen to my body this morning and did a very slow vinyasa flow yoga with a few regenerative poses to get the aches and pains in my muscles to release. Although I'm still under the weather, I went to work today and actually got quite a bit accomplished--I think I may be making up for my lack of yoga this weekend.

Just for today, I will be gentle with myself and allow my body to dictate what it needs. Namaste.

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