Saturday, September 1, 2012

Three Months Gluten-Free!

I can't believe it...I just can't believe it. Here I am, 3 months gluten-free, and I have never felt better in my life! My joints hurt NO MORE! I mean it! It's amazing. My muscles don't cry nearly as much, though I do continue to take my medicine, but the pain is more of a reminder where I have been, not knocking loudly on my door.

For any of you out there who have hesitated, thinking this kind of diet change will be impossible, let me tell you this: You WILL no doubt have challenging days, but if you can make it through the first month, I know you will feel better. I am HAPPY! Not just content, happy! That for me is huge.

I have been baking bread to my heart's content and developing new recipes all the time. I have found that I really am the gourmet! So much fun to experiment, that even my kids and hubby have to admit that what they taste is pretty darn tasty indeed!

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