Friday, March 23, 2012

The Lasting Effects of a Good Yoga Practice

Since last Saturday, I have felt absolutely wonderful. My muscles feel strong, and I definitely feel more mindful and confident. I honestly never thought I could sustain the long yoga practices like the ones I experienced at Rod Stryker's workshop. Truth be told, I can't seem to get enough yoga practice lately.

I am spending more time being mindful of my breathing and my body in space. Before it took such effort being so mindful of my breath and my body, but I think something finally clicked with me. My mindfulness is starting to feel very natural and effortless.

I think for me, the most surprising thing is that my body responded to demanding postures. For instance, I was able to get to step three of the Peacock Pose. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I'd be able to do any arm balances. I obviously had the strength, but I just needed confidence. With the confidence came the balance.

It really is true what they say about yoga. The benefits are far reaching and long lasting. I have also noticed that having a shift in perspective can open many doors to possibilities I never thought possible.

1 comment:

Kathryn at Good Life Road said...

Yoga's effects have resonated through my life for years while my practice was mostly dormant. Yoga is everywhere in your life once you step into it. Amazing!